
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Headboard Makeover

When Andrew and I first got married we did what most newly weds did for furniture, we looked all over Craigslist for something affordable.  We found a set of all black furniture,  that was mildly contemporary.  It was a full set and an awesome price,  I want to say $175?
 We were very happy with our little set for the first few years of marriage. After a while I realized I hated the black!  So what's a girl to do ?
Time for a trip to Home Depot.

   Guess what it's LAMINATE, and YES you can paint it.

First step:  Scuff it up using sandpaper.  You do NOT need to take off the entire finish,  just make it so it is not glossy!

Step two:  Use a decent primer. I used this.  I have no complaints.

Step three:  Top coat.

With this particular project I did more than just painting. ..
 I wanted to change the look of the bed completely,  I was going to change it from contemporary, to a clean cottage look.

 I  first measured the openings and cut out bead board  to fit the openings.

I used liquid nails to set the newly cut bead boards panels in place. 

Next Step:  I  used painters caulk, to  fill the edge seems.  There is a good tutorial here

I then added a piece of trim to the front as well as a 1x3  on the top. 

After  all of the edges had dried I was able to add a final coat of paint to hide the caulk lines.

  Ta- Da  Look at the difference it makes...  It's like "black and white"!  (I'm hilarious). 

 Now I understand the likely hood of  any of my readers having the exact same headboard is slim-to-none... but  you can take the same basic premise and apply it to any number of projects!


  1. Is it essential to sand and "scuff up" the laminate before applying the primer? I've looked at a few different tutorials about laminate and some say you need to and others say you don't.

    Just wondering if you've ever had a bad experience with not sanding laminate first.

    LOVE your work!

    1. Pibbs,

      Funny story, I actually did have a horribble experience when I didn't sand! The nightstands that are shown in the pictures above where apart of the bedroom makeover... The primer I chose said "no sanding needed", so I didn't... Well, I accidentally dinged my nightstand the next day and to my horror the paint started pealing off! I had to strip down both nightstands, and start over! This time I sanded, and had no problems what so ever.

    2. Yikes! I guess I'll take the safe road and just do all the work the first time instead of doing it twice. Thanks, Corey!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Do you remember where you got those lovely shelves?
