
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Nautical Bathroom

Ugh, this room was so incredibly boring.  I wanted a pattern in here,  and a color,  but I still wanted to keep it bright. So I started by painting the cabinets white. (Tutorial coming soon).  Then  I came up with the idea of doing a nautical lattice pattern....


  I used 2 different size tapes in order to create this look.  I went through and used a pencil  and marked where all my lines would begin and end.  Then just connected the dots with tape.  I am not going to lie, this part took forever!  I would measure and remeasure, I determined the best way to do it was to use a quilters square.  Just make sure your first line is perfectly straight!  Then you can use it as a guide . 

Okay now that you want to throw your roll of tape across the room,  go get your paint. I know your first instinct is to grab your new color and start painting... NOPE.   Grab the original color of the wall.  So in my case I had to get out the white. You are going to completely paint over all your tape.  Reason ?  When you paint,  no matter what brand the tape, I still get the paint bleeding through.  BUT if you paint over your tape the same color on the wall,  any bleeds  will not be visible because it is the same color. (Are you still following me ?).      

So once my base color dried (and sealed the tape to the wall so that no blue can leak through) , you can then take your new wall color and apply it. In my case I used a grey blue.  Wait until the your topcoat is completely dry , then you can take off your tape. Inevitably, there will be some touch up spots,  but you are almost done!  Just stand back and admire your work for a while before you pull out the itty bitty brush. 

Was this project easy ? Yes. Was is it time consuming?  You betcha.   I don't regret it though.  I love the way it turned out. I wouldn't suggest this for a huge complicated space,  working around the shower and mirror was not my favorite. I could see myself doing this again with a flat open wall though, perhaps an accent wall ?

  TA DA!


  1. This looks great! I always envy who have the patience to do this sort of stuff!!!

  2. ugh, I didn't write a word. My mind must have been working faster than my fingers... I meant to say, "I always envy people who have the patience to do this sort of stuff!"

  3. Love this! You are so talented, Corey!

  4. GORGEOUS!! I absolutely adore your rope baskets too!!
